Beverly Hills Lingual Institute
Beverly Hills Lingual Institute
Beverly Hills Lingual Institute
Beverly Hills Lingual Institute

Boas Noticias - You Know 40 Portuguese Words

You may have watched a Brazilian movie, listened to a bossa nova song, or recently learned the meaning of capoeira. The Brazilian dialect sounds fascinating to you. Perhaps you share Brazil's love of soccer.

Well, boas noticías! "Good news!" You already know at least 40 words in Portuguese.

Take a look at the following list:

acidente ator adorável animal
automóvel bagagem catedral central
ciclista condutor conversível criatura
crime cruel elefante famoso
favor fisico futebol hospital
hotel humor idéia importante
inevitável informação inventar local
motor música natural plano
popular potente presidente rádio
respeitável sinistro táxi telefone

Their interesting endings apart, these words can easily be associated with the same word in English.

They are cognates, similar to those we've previously featured in French, German, Korean, and Spanish.

Now, can you guess the original artist of this song, here performed by Brazilian singer José Daniel Camillo ("Daniel")?

Hint: The original artist is French-Canadian, and sang the song in English.

Mon 21 Aug 17

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